“Ko te moana kei te whiu, kei te eke - ko te Taihuringa tērā”

In 2023, our project management office took on a new name to consolidate its approach. In reference to the changing of tides, the role of Taihuringa is to usher in change.

While the core role of our project management office department has remained the same, the new moniker further imbedded the Ko Ngāti Awa Te Toki vision and hone the focus on achieving its objectives.

Nā reira, Taihuringa is responsible for managing many of the externally funded projects with the goal to uplift the capabilities of ngā uri o Ngāti Awa and our hapori through sustainable training and employment opportunities by supporting the Ngāti Awa economy. Our primary aim is to invest in our people, recognizing them as our greatest resource.

Taihuringa has a proven track record of delivering on these objectives through completed and ongoing projects. You can learn more by watching the short video below.

If you would like more information on the projects of Taihuringa please click on the links below.

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Ngāti Awa House
4-10 Louvain Street,
PO Box 76
Whakatāne 3158

0800 464 284
07 307 0760