The Marae Cluster Project was funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) - Provincial Growth Fund as part of an initiative to lift productivity potential in the provinces of Aotearoa.

The project helped to create 47 jobs, including 43 full-time positions and four part-time roles. It also engaged 25 local contractors. Additionally, many of those involved in the project were working on their own marae, which provided them with a further sense of belonging and connection with opportunities to talk and learn from kaumātua about their whakapapa, pepehā, hapū history and whanau connections. These all increased the social inclusion of kaimahi and their participation at the marae, not only during the project but also afterwards.

Heoi, the most obvious contribution to Māori development was through the preservation of marae. And while renovation work improved the aesthetics of the marae involved, it also helped to protect these taonga against the weather and other conditions. As a result, it also allowed marae to get work done on their whakairo ensuring these essential tools of tribal narratives are preserved for future generations.

Overall, the whanaungatanga, kotahitanga and manaakitanga demonstrated across the marae cluster was inspirational with multiple whanau and hapū undertaking working bees to support the renovation work. Nā reira, it was a real joy to be included in the marae openings and other celebrations to recognise the important role these taonga play in our Ngāti Awa rohe and the immense amount of work that was achieved through this project.

When Kaimahi Lani Hepi was interviewed following the completion of the project, he said he would remember it forever.

He taura whiri kotahi mai anō te kopunga tae noa ki te pu au.

Marae Cluster Project

I feel very privileged to lead this one in a lifetime opportunity on behalf of our whānau and future generations to fulfil some of our long-term hapū goals and better access, beautiful and enhance the mana and mauri of our marae. I am a firm believer that our marae have a big role in terms of growing and fostering our whānau and this project has given us the unique opportunity to do so.
— Lani Hepi

The project achieved the following objectives:

  • Immediate redeployment of vulnerable workers impacted by COVID-19

  • Provide a program of work for local tradesmen and contractors

  • Support Māori, Pasifika and other vulnerable workers that are not able to secure contractors through more substantial infrastructure

  • Given public confidence in renewed economic activity following COVID-19

This was done by the project setting out a pathway to upskill and develop our kaimahi while also renovating and restoring our marae, which are taonga of our Ngāti Awa hapū. The 12 marae involved consisted of:

  • Ruaihona

  • Te Hokowhitū a Tū

  • Te Pāhou

  • Te Rangihouhiri II

  • Te Rewatū

  • Tuariki

  • Tuteao

  • Uiraroa

  • Pūkeko

  • Pupuāruhe

  • Puawairua

  • Motīti

In 2021, the first marae commenced renovation work and all 12 marae have since been completed. If you want to know more about the project then please contact the Taihuringa team using the button below.

Otherwise please enjoy a carousel of photos from the Marae Cluster project in the video below.