Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Limited

Ngāti Awa Group Holdings Limited (NAGHL) is owned by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa (TRONA).

TRONA represents over 20,000 members of Ngāti Awa who affiliate to 22 mandated hapū and 19 marae in the Eastern Bay of Plenty region. 

TRONA is the ultimate parent and sole shareholder of NAGHL. TRONA is the mandated entity recognised by the Crown as a representative of Ngāti Awa through the Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa Act 2005 and its Charter.

15 The Strand, PO Box 76, Whakatāne 3158
(07) 307 0760

Core Values

  • Manaakitanga

    Manaakitia te taiao hei tapuwae tūturu, hei oranga mō te iwi.

    Commit to long term sustainability.

  • Whanaungatanga

    Whanaungatanga me te piriponotanga.

    Invest in effective internal and external relationships and engagement.

  • Kaitiakitanga

    Kia whānui tonu ngā kete whai rawa.

    Achieve a high performing portfolio.

  • Ngāti Awatanga

    He waka eke noa tēnei!

    Proactively work alongside TRONA to support achievement of the Ngāti Awa vision.

  • Kotahitanga

    Kia tika, kia pono, kia aroha, kia Ngāti Awa!

    Build and sustain a principled, high performing, best of class organisational culture.

Current Investments

NAGHL has been established as the commercial organisation to manage the various settlement assets and investments of TRONA in a prudent, commercial and profitable basis, targeting a diversified portfolio.

Awa Motel

Supported by its own cafe, Awa Motel is a 39 room, 4.5 star accommodation complex nestled between the Whakatāne River and the Pōhutukawa tree lined escarpment.  

Moutohorā: Island Sanctuary Tour

One of New Zealand's most beautiful wildlife pest-free sanctuaries, Ngāti Awa Tourism Limited provides a four hour guided tour both around and on the Moutohorā Island.

Located in Te Puke, NAGHL owns a 33% share in Matai Pacific kiwifruit orchard with other shareholders being Te Arawa Group Holdings Lmited and Rotomā No 1 Incorporation. The orchard consists of around 48 hectares of green and 51 hectares of gold kiwifruit. 

In 2023, NAGHL completed the development of Omataroa Orchard, converting 10 hectares of dairy land into red kiwifruit. The orchard is located near Te Teko adjacent the banks of the Rangitaiki River and is owned by NAGHL, Ihukatia Trust, Moerangi Kereua Ratahi Trust and Kiwinui Trust.



Ngāti Awa Forests comprises of 1,495 hectares in Rotoehu and 6,889 hectares on the northern boundary of the Kaingaroa Forest.

Dairy and Drystock

One dairy farm is owned by Ngāti Awa Farms Limited and in partnership with other trusts, being Ngakauroa farm located near Te Teko. The drystock farm is located between Whakatāne and Ōhope and occupies 1,117 hectares.  

Ground Leases

Ngāti Awa Properties owns ground leases under a number of school sites and the court site in both Whakatāne and Ōhope. 

Ngāti Awa House
4-10 Louvain Street,
PO Box 76
Whakatāne 3158

0800 464 284
07 307 0760