In 2024, we launched a new pilot program – Mahi Whakamana. It is the first of its kind and was developed in partnership between Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Bay of Plenty Futures Academy and the Ministry of Education to collaborate with local high schools.

He kākano ahau i ruia mai i Rangiātea

Mahi Whakamana

The initiative embeds Ngāti Awatanga into vocational pathways for more than 30 students from Trident, Whakatāne and Tarawera highs schools. Enrolled in trade-training at their schools, the students benefit from the addition of the cultural dimension. This includes three wānanga across the year to deepen to their appreciation of Ngāti Awa as tangata whenua and enhance their understanding of cultural narratives, values and the benefits of having working relationships with the iwi and its hapū.

For more information email Taihuringa

Ngāti Awa Pride: Mahi Whakamana!

Ngā mihi nui ki ngā tauira katoa who took part in Mahi Whakamana in 2024.

More than 30 students from Trident, Whakatāne, and Tarawera High Schools took significant steps in their trade training journeys, with each school pursuing a different pathway—house restoration, new home building, and caravan restoration.

Launched in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa, Bay of Plenty Futures Academy, the Ministry of Education, and local high schools, Mahi Whakamana is more than vocational training; it is about grounding our tauira in Ngātiawatanga, our identity, and strengthening their connections to tangata whenua and local iwi and hapū.

Our tauira attended three noho, learnt about the resilience and hītori of Ngāti Awa, and the importance of kaitiakitanga and rangatiratanga in today’s world. In a final celebration, we continued by sharing o manaakitanga me Ngāti Awatanga with ngā tauira through karakia and whakawhanaungatanga was an apt way to mark their graduation in understanding.

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa. Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui i roto i ngā mahi ahumahi!

Read more here or watch a video from our Whakawhanaungatanga Day to celebrate those who completed the programme below.