Iwi Registration
Tēnā koutou ngā uri o ngā hapū o Ngāti Awa.
Greetings to the descendants of the hapū (sub-tribes) of Ngāti Awa.
He panui tēnei ki a koutou, kia rēhita i runga i te rārangi ingoa o Ngāti Awa. Ko te mea nui kia mōhio tātou katoa ko wai ngā uri o ngā hapū o Ngāti Awa o te waka nei o Mataatua. Anei ētahi kōrero hei titiro, hei whakautu mā koutou.
This is an invitation to you all to register on the Ngāti Awa register. The most important thing is that we all know who the descendants of the hapū of Ngāti Awa are from this canoe of Mataatua. Here is some information for you to look at and respond to.
Membership Registration
The Ngāti Awa membership register is used to record address information for communicating key messages, newsletters, and voting papers to all members.
To be fully eligible, members must be of blood descent or legally adopted.
Registration is available for:
Adult members (18+ years)
Children under 18 years - must be registered by an adult.
The Application Process
The Whakapapa Committee, consisting of five members with expertise in Ngāti Awa whakapapa, reviews applications monthly.
If you are unsure of your whakapapa, please provide copies of supporting documentation, such as Māori Land Court records, land block information, or marriage certificates. These documents are only required if you are unclear about your Ngāti Awa descent.
Please provide a current email address so that confirmation of your membership and Ngāti Awa Register number can be sent to you.
How We Use Your Information
Disclaimer: Your personal information will be used to:
Inform and communicate with you on Rūnanga matters, elections, and Annual General Meeting notices
Ensure you and your family have access to education grants or other assistance through the Rūnanga
Identify whether you are eligible to vote in Rūnanga activities, such as hapū representative elections, and also whether you can join the Ngāti Awa Pakihi
Provide your details to the representative of your hapū on the Rūnanga board

Register With Ngāti Awa
He māmā noa iho ki te rehita. It is easy to register online.

Ngāti Awa House
4-10 Louvain Street,
PO Box 76
Whakatāne 3158
0800 464 284
07 307 0760