
Mā te ngaruru ō ngā whenua maru ō Ngāti Awa, ka noho momoho nga taonga koiora, taonga tuku iho, he oranga whānui mō ngā whakatipuranga.
As the lands of Ngāti Awa flourishes, opportunities abound for future generations to enjoy their unique ecological, environmental and cultural uniqueness.

The Taiao Department provides leadership and support to our members in the management of our natural resources. The Taiao Department is the natural resources team of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa. The team has been established to achieve our responsibility as kaitiaki to protect te taiao.

Ngāti Awa House
4-10 Louvain Street,
PO Box 76
Whakatāne 3158
0800 464 284
07 307 0760