
Koia tēnei; ko te toroa noho au, E tangi ana ki tōna kainga, e mihi ana.
This is a fact; I live like the albatross, crying out to its nesting place, and greeting you (in sorrow).
Hamiora Pio
Throughout 1864 and 1865 a number of key events occurred which further polarised the relationship between the Crown and Ngāti Awa.
These events included:
The arrival of Paimarire prophets in the Eastern Bay of Plenty and their involvement with some Ngāti Awa Hapū;
The killing of Reverend Carl Volkner at Ōpōtiki by local Māori under the influence of the Paimarire prophets;
The establishment of an aukati by Ngāti Awa over their lands;
The killing of James Te Mautaranui Fulloon for breaching the aukati; and,
The invasion of Ngāti Awa by a Crown and allied Iwi force of 500 men to capture the killers of Volkner and Fulloon.
Learn more about the Raupatu visit Te Tai Settlement Stories
The Ngāti Awa Raupatu Report
This report concerns the hapū or tribes in the Ngāti Awa rohe and the Raupatu, or confiscation, of approximately 245,000 acres of their lands. The confiscated area extends from the hills beyond the original course of the Tarawera River to Ōhiwa Harbour, and the report also covers the consequential land reorganisation and relocations.
The report outlines our WAI46 Record of Inquiry, which is the collection of documents submitted by parties involved in the WAI46 claim.
To read and search the Record of Inquiry documents, visit the Ngāti Awa Research and Archives Catalogue.

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Ngāti Awa House
4-10 Louvain Street,
PO Box 76
Whakatāne 3158
0800 464 284
07 307 0760