Treaty of Waitangi Series: Tā Hirini Moko Mead. Pt 2
Kua tae te wā.
Ināpō, we shared a video of our koroua, Tā Hirini Moko Mead, speaking about Te Tiriti and Ngāti Awa in our micro series that is leading us to the commemoration on Sunday.
At 6am, hei te rātapu, Ngāti Awa will gather to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi at Pohaturoa.
So tonight, we share another video from Koro Hirini in which he challenges us to own the albatross on our back and turn our face towards the sun. He knows a new tide is washing towards the shore, bringing with it a different generation who are equipped to take the legacy of our tīpuna and evolve once again.
Whitiki tauā mai, e te iwi!